Hey @aboens
Does this condition apply to "Email 1 - QT V1" in this specific instance of the campaign "Quick trip V1" or to ALL instances of the campaign "Quick trip V1"?
It pertains to all “Email 1 - QT V1” emails sent, from the current journey or previous journeys.
The auto-retry feature you’re referring to, as part of our Message Limits feature, only applies to undeliverable messages that were not sent due to reaching the message limit for the day. Failed emails are, generally speaking — only occurring when Liquid variables are used without a value being declared. (https://customer.io/docs/journeys/message-failed)
You could consider using a Wait Until delay immediately after the message send, and the condition could be “… is delivered”, and another “max wait time” condition. (https://customer.io/docs/journeys/wait-until/)
NOTE: If you plan on handling retries on your own via campaign logic, you might not want to keep auto-retry enabled on your Message Limits.