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Tracking Reviews On Google Business Proflie

  • January 19, 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello!  I know there must be a way to accomplish this, but I’m at a loss.

I have a customer database that automatically flows into  After a visit, we automatically send a review request via an automation.  The review request links to our Google Business Profile page, where they are prompted to review us. That part is easy.

What I can’t figure out is how to track the actual reviews.  In I can track who clicks the “Review us!” button in the email, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have left a review.  Once they click on the button, I can’t track their actions on the Google Business Profile page, so I don’t know which users actually have gone through and actually reviewed us.

So what I’d really like the full automation to do is:
1) Send review request
2) User clicks the ‘review us’ button, and leaves a review
3) Somehow track which users actual leave a review and send that automatically back into so that we can update an attribute showing that they have left a review
4) Which will allow me to send a thank you email.

I tried looking at integrating GBP with CIO via Zapier, but I couldn’t quite get it all to work.  How can I accomplish this?!?

Thanks in advance for any insights!



1 reply

  • 133 replies
  • January 22, 2024

Hi @mbleier ,

As there is no way for to know natively if an email recipient that clicked on the link to visit your Google Business profile would actually leave the review, the Zapier integration might be a viable solution.

One way to go about it would be to create a Zap to track Google Business Reviews:



Next, you can set up a Zap for a new spreadsheet row in Google sheets to create or update a profile in



​I hope this helps to get you moving along in the right direction! ◡̈



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