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I need help creating a liquid code in a unique scenario

  • December 12, 2023
  • 1 reply

I’m pretty new to using liquid, so I appologize if I am not be using the correct terminology. But basically this is what I’m trying to do: 

  • Setting up a transactional email for when a owner wants to invite a team member to join their organization
  • The owner is inviting their team member to manage one or more venues depending on what the owner decides
  • I’ve created the email and I have the correct “liquid” to have the venue name appear
  • What I don’t know is how to have multiple venues appear if the owner invites the user to join more than one venue.

I hope that is clear enough to understand, here are some pictures to help describe my problem

This is from

This is the email I received

Any help would be great thanks!



1 reply

  • Novice
  • 223 replies
  • December 12, 2023

Hey Jimmy,

no need to appologize - we all started at some point.

It depends a bit if your event stores all the venues or if there are separate events for each venue. I assume here (according to your setup) it is the first case.

With liquid you will have to work with a tag called “for”. This iteration will loop throug the event data and display each venue in the email. This will work similar to products in a cart abandonment email (you will find here in the docs information about it).

You can find more information about the “for” here in the CIO docs and on the Shopify Github. You can also use the dynamic content section to make the code “smoother”. Maybe this screenshot helps:


Once you understand the logic behind it, it is straight forward. Let me know if you need any help with this!


Hope this helps,



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