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Add cc emails in an email


We are using python sdk on our backend to send email to our customer, now we want to add cc email on our emails where required, but I am not able to find any documentation how to acheive that, could you help me find that or share the body as an example with cc email in it.


6 replies

  • 11 replies
  • October 13, 2023

Hi Qasim,

I don’t think we have a traditional “CC” option for email. Rather, we support blind copies with `bcc` as shown in the example below.

from customerio import APIClient, Regions, SendEmailRequest
client = APIClient("your API key", region=Regions.US)

request = SendEmailRequest(
    "name": "person",
    "items": [
        "name": "shoes",
        "price": "59.99",
    "id": "2",

with open("path to file", "rb") as f:

response = client.send_email(request)


  • Author
  • Novice
  • 4 replies
  • October 25, 2023


is it neccassary to add bcc. before entering the email address like you have done in the example, plus how the body will look like if I need to add 3 bcc emails,

FYI, currently I am doing this, and getting this error in return

This is my body

      "creator_full_name":"Testing Test",

and this is the error I am getting


    "meta": {
        "error": "Request entity must be JSON encoded and not exceed 3024 KB."

Could you please help me fix this, Thanks

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  • 4 replies
  • October 25, 2023

Also I just checked, it is working with single bcc email, how can I add multiple bcc email in the body, the array of bcc seems to be not working

  • 11 replies
  • October 25, 2023

Hi Qasem,

Sorry for the confusion. It’s a bit odd, but the `bcc` field should just be a string with comma separated addresses. It’s a “stringified array.”

Also, the `identifiers` object only needs one value. You don’t need to provide both an email and an ID. I’m fairly sure that if you provide multiple values, we just use the first one.

I’ve updated the example below. I hope this helps!

   "bcc: ",",
      "creator_full_name":"Testing Test",


  • Author
  • Novice
  • 4 replies
  • October 25, 2023

Thanks @Chad for your reply, I just tried this one but it is still not working, however I added one string bcc email and its working, getting emails on my bcc but when I add two email in stringified array, I don’t get the emails on bcc email.

Not receiving emails for bcc when using this bcc


works with single bcc email


would appreciate your help on this, thanks

  • 11 replies
  • October 25, 2023

I’m so sorry for the trouble Qasim. We’re not seeing the same problem when we test with our python library locally. I’d suggest submitting this question to our support team so that we can investigate further.


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