Hi. I’m using the React Native client library and I’ve noticed that an Android user has an attribute recorded against their customer.io user record like this:
I’ve exported that user’s data and in the attributes.json file it is represented like this:
"createdAt": "1.6515671E+9",
When I look at the same attribute for iOS users, it is correctly represented as a numeric timestamp:
1702984243 Today at 11:10:43 am (GMT)
and the attributes.json for that iOS user contains:
"createdAt": "1702984243",
This is how I call the RN library to set that attribute:
CustomerIO.identify(analyticsId, {
// ... other attributes here
The `createdAt` value is always a number at this point.
Do you have any suggestions on how I can resolve this? It looks like there used to be a similar issue with the serialization library on Android: https://github.com/customerio/customerio-android/pull/56