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Hi everyone,

Does anyone could give me some feedback or suggestion regarding what I faced currently? Will be highly appreciate your help!

  • Situation:
    • I would like to make new segment with below condition
      • Indonesia, Web Users
      • Signed-up today
      • Have not apply any job within 2 hours
  • Problem:
    • The timestamp of the signed-up time (created_at) can’t be ‘a relative hours’, while should be in date, which impacting only applicable for 1 DAY ago. What I expect, could be set as X HOURS ago.
  • Question:
    • Is there any way to make a segment or trigger in campaign with above condition that I expect?

Here’s below the screenshot


Hi Margareth,

Thanks for reaching out. 

Currently it is only possible to use whole days in segmentation. We have an open feature request to allow more options here such as your use case with hours, so I’ll certainly add your “vote” there.

Let me know if there is anything else that we can help with!


Hi Ryan,


Thanks for your prompt response. Is that mean you add manually this “hour” use case to my account or my company’s account?

Or should I do some next step to request this open feature?

Please do let me know. Thanks!



Hi Margareth,

This feature isn’t developed yet, so we’re currently tracking interest in it. This is what I meant by adding your “vote” to the open feature request - I’m adding your use case for our product team to review when making decisions about developing this feature.

I hope this clarifies, but let me know if you have other questions!

So it’s still on your backlog proposal to your product team yea? If yes, then ya got it then Ryan.


Thank you!
