Hello @Alan8964 ,
Hope you’re doing good! Jumping right into your questions:
- We currently don’t have a way for in-app messages to be sent to anonymous visitors that only has anonymous_ids. It would require that either an id or email is set in order to trigger and send a message.
We do have an open feature request around this so I've gave that a bump and added your use case. 
- We do have an available Shopify and Woocommerce integration available that you can check out here: https://fly.customer.io/integrations/Shopify and https://fly.customer.io/integrations/WooCommerce
You can also set up sources in the Data Pipeline using the API. You can learn more about it here: https://customer.io/docs/cdp/getting-started/quick-start-guide/
I hope this helps!
Hey Alan,
There is also the option to use a thrid party tools for the popups, like Typeform. You could surpess the exit-intent popup for identified users (so basically the other way around).
We already implement this scenario with other clients. Feel free to shoot me a message for a walkthrough or something.
Happy to help 
There are a lot of plugins and apps that will do what you wish to implement. And these apps can be integrated with customer.io to send your prospect/lead data and trigger nurture campaigns.
Here I found new information that is helpful for me thanks to everyone for sharing your experience