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Capture and store page view and referrer

I’d like to capture and store the first page_view and referrer for leads at the point their data is merged with anonymous activity.

how might I do this?

  • March 13, 2024

Hi @NickH , if you use the Web SDKs:, then you can send events and track page views:

When an anonymous profile is identified, all of the associated data would be merged with the anonymous profile. 


One thing to note for anonymous events:

When you identify people, you can set an anonymous_id attribute, and we’ll associate any events with the matching anonymous_id that we received up to five minutes after your identify call. If you identify a person then try to merge anonymous events more than five minutes after the identify call, the anonymous events will not merge into the profile. If you want to merge anonymous events more than 5 minutes after the initial identify call, you must resend the events by updating the anonymous id of the event then sending another identify call where you update the anonymous id of the identified profile to the new anonymous event id.


Hopefully this helps! 

  • Novice
  • March 13, 2024

Thanks for the reply. We use already and merge and track page views.

What I can’t work out is how to store attributes form page_view events longer than 30 days,.. eg capture them into a custom field against the customer record (*first_page_view for example) so that i can segment by customer traffic source or landing page

I just came to ask this exact question :) I’d like to use data from the user activity and store it as an attribute.

I can see the data is there for the user, but like Nick, I want to be able to store this as an attribute.


  • Novice
  • March 14, 2024

FWIW I tried to do it using a campaign, which is usually quite powerful for capturing event data and converting into attributes 


but there’s no reference data for page views for some reason, even though is a system default event. 

unfortunately all the event data is then wiped after 30 days so can’t be used for any analysis

  • March 15, 2024

Hi @NickH 

Sorry for misunderstanding your original question! 

And hi @oldmillennial , in full transparency, I’m afraid this is not possible at the moment. We have an open request for a feature like this (to allow page views to trigger an event campaign so that you can use a create or update person action to store the attributes as profile attributes) that our team is tracking feedback on and I have upvoted it on your behalf so that our product team knows this is something that would be useful to you.

I do apologise for not having better news on this front for you today! 

  • Novice
  • March 15, 2024

Ok thanks

ill see if I can custom post it via segment

@NickH Were you able to find a solution for this? It’s crazy that I can’t segment my signups based on the source they signed up from!


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