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Merge Tag in Image URL

  • 1 September 2023
  • 1 reply

Hello people,
I'm glad to be part of the community, and I hope to contribute to the best of my knowledge.
I’ve a question now, I have an attribute called owner_image, which contains the display picture URL from salesforce; however, while editing HTML email on the, I'm unable to change the image URL to the merge tag. It's just not working. I also tried to add a custom HTML merge tag, but merge tags don't seem to work in custom HTML.



Hi there,

It is possible to use liquid / merge tags to render images in emails.

Can you share more info about your implementation? If you can share screenshots that can help us spot issues.


In HTML, the tag can be added to an img element; 

<img src="{{customer.owner_picture}}" alt="" />


In the drag-and-drop editor, if you use the image component, you may need to enable the dynamic image feature to add the tag to. When using a dynamic image in the drag-and-drop editor, you’ll need to add a fallback image as well, in case a profile does not have an owner_image.

