I am attempting to dynamically display a logo based on the "customer.first_name" attribute. To achieve this, I am using the obtained URL and referencing it in the dynamic url field within an image in the Create Password email template. Please note that the "tenants_logo_file_name" variable must be declared on the same line for the snippet to work correctly. However, if this cannot be resolved, it is not a critical issue.
error message: Variable 'Liquid::VariableNotFound'
Here is the code that I am currently using to display the proper logo based on the "customer.first_name" attribute:
{% assign tenants_logo_file_name = [{ "first_name": "Mathis", "logoFileName":"1678708227624_rainbow-flower_01GVDCXEPX7MHQHX2SF7GDR0D4.png" }, { "first_name": "Timon","logoFileName":"1678907118448_atom.png_01GVKAK3ZCCCYAVXBCBE8NRC5H.png" }, { "first_name": "default", "logoFileName":"1678907291974_logo-medzy_01GVKARDDV8S1WZTZJ6GD5F9P.jpg"}] %}
{% for logo in tenants_logo_file_name %}
{% if logo.first_name == customer.first_name %}
{% capture tenant_logo_url %}
{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% capture tenant_logo_url %}
{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ tenant_logo_url }}
Thank you.