I think BEE as editor is really robust and covers everything that is needed, but some things bother me a lot:
- Image scaling is weird. I can not set the size as I want it
- Setting column width sucks. There is only a ratio insead of percentages or px
I am also working quit a lot with BEE’s competitor called Stripo and they really rock. I love the endless possibilites of settings! Sure there is also a bit of a downside since the HTML code is not as small as with BEE (apparently), but there are way more ways to personalize emails, they support AMP, AI content creation, and many more.
Unfortunately I have to export Stripo templates manually since there is no integration in Stripo for Customer.io. I really, really would love to see these two awesome tools together…
What’s your opinion? Anyone sees that different? Or am I even missing better tools