
Segment Creation using App API

  • 25 October 2023
  • 2 replies


I want to create a manual Segment using the Rest App API.

I can do that by hitting the endpoint listed here:


The problem that I face is, we are only able to give a “name” and “description” prop in the body to create the segment.

I would like to specify the Tag which the Segment should be tagged as aswell. 

Is there any way to add a Tag to a Segment through the API by updating the Segment or even better to add the Tag during Segment creation? 

Would really help! 

Best regards.


Best answer by Byron 25 October 2023, 20:58

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2 replies

Userlevel 2



This is Byron from the technical support team. It’s not currently possible to add tags using our API. We’re tracking a feature request, so I’ve taken the opportunity to add your “vote” and usecase to the request while our product team continues to track interest. Sorry that I don’t have better news to share with you today!

Thanks for letting me know :)

I hope that this request will receive priority on your roadmap and be implemented in the near future.
