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Hi there!
in CIO we have several person attributes that are being updated manually from CIO User Interface.
So we were looking for a solution on how to sync this attributes with another service we are using (Helpscout in out case).
Since the attributes are being updated manually i could not find any trigger to catch when it is happening.
So i decided to create a segment of people, that have at least 1 manually updated attribute.

and first campaign that runs within this segment at fixed intervals once a day.

since once a day sync is not an option for us, inside created campaign i send an event every 15 minutes

​​​​​​​The event that is being sent every 15 minutes, fires the second campaign, that calculates a checksum based on the manual attributes values, and if at least one of the attributes has changed, sends updated attributes to helpscout via webhook.


i would like to clarify
does it seem like a workaround ?
or there is a better way to accomplish this ?
is there any Customer IO limits, that we may face with the approach above ?

I know this is super late to the party, but one suggestion and one question:

Question - how did you end up solving this, anything new to share?

If people are already manually updating it from the CIO UI, you could make an ultra simple automation in something like Zapier or Make that is webhook-based, and add the webhook URL to the shortcuts dropdown at the top right of the profile. The automation could just do a simple micro-ETL process of getting data from CIO and Helpscout, diff check, and update accordingly.

And then just make an SOP for anyone updating it to also click that link to trigger the update. You probably wouldn’t get 100% compliance from a human standpoint, but it’d be an instant sync when people are compliant. And then you could make a similar thing in Helpscout that goes the opposite direction and make an SOP of “before you do anything important, click that button”.

Not a perfect solution obviously, but that would solve the lag time between syncs at minimum.
