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I feel like I am missing something very basic, but I am setting up a simple campaign.  People register for a series of events, and on date X, Y and Z, I want to send them a reminder for the next event.
I have a journey set up and the trigger is the form fill.
I am looking through all the ‘wait’ options, and there are not options for ‘wait until date X’.
I queries the ‘Ask AI’ and the only solution it returned was a convoluted option for coding in some javascript values into the upstream form submit.  This seems way more complicated.  Is there really no simple option to say “On date X email all people in the campaign?”

Hi @frasermarlow 

I’m afraid there is no straightforward way to do that but you can consider using an Important Date trigger for your campaign: 

You can also use a timestamp condition in your Time Delay as another workaround:


I hope that helps!



