I am trying to understand how the fixed intervals setting works. We want to have a campaign triggered on a mix of segments. This should run every day (so using the fixed intervals with 1 day) and in the workflow we select a % portion (random cohort) to receive two emails. Rest will exit directly.
But I am wondering how it works with re-entering the campaign if you fall out of the trigger segment and then, lets say two weeks later, you are in the segment again. Will you then re-enter the campaign? Or are you only re-entering the campaign at the fixed interval up until you are out of the segment the first time?
So for example this journey for a person:
- 2024-12-10: In the segment and enter campaign
- 2024-12-11: In the segment and re-enter the campaign due to fixed interval (and not still in the campaign journey from previous day)
- 2024-12-12: Not in the segment anymore and does not re-enter campaign
- 2024-12-13: Back in the trigger segment again. Does re-enter the campaign again?