
How do I create a filter for a campaign where an attribute is equal to some_event_variable instead of a hardcoded value?

  • 9 January 2024
  • 1 reply

Title is pretty self explanatory.

I’m looking to create a filter for a campaign where an attribute is equal to some_event_variable instead of a hardcoded value. below is a screenshot showing what i’m trying to do.

is there some way accomplish what i’m looking to do?



1 reply

Userlevel 4

Hi @glencoco ,

That’s a great question! At the moment, for segment conditions, we’re unable to compare one attribute against another. We have an open request for a feature like this that our team is tracking feedback on and I have upvoted it on your behalf so that our product team knows this is something that would be useful to you.

Sorry I don’t have better news for you today but thank you for sharing with us how you’d like to use!
