
Carousel in app message

  • 13 March 2024
  • 4 replies

I don't get carousel post to work in app message and I don't find a new template for it. Can anyone help? 

4 replies

Userlevel 4

Hi @Stina 

For carousel messages, you can refer to the help documentation here:


I’ve also added here some very basic code that you could try copying and pasting into the code section of your in-app message template editor: 



    "type": "blockWidget",
    "gist": {
      "id": "9533df2a-9295-4b1d-85a3-be9dc2e73a50",
      "designer": true
    "components": [
        "type": "fixedHorizontalListWidget",
        "mainAxisAlignment": "end",
        "components": [
            "type": "actionWidget",
            "gist": {
              "designer": true,
              "description": "Close button action",
              "id": "ce192486-1f13-46f2-b278-c20d83d38dab"
            "action": "gist://close",
            "behaviour": "native",
            "component": {
              "type": "imageWidget",
              "image": "",
              "fit": "contain",
              "height": 30,
              "width": 30,
              "fadeInDuration": 100,
              "gist": {
                "designer": true,
                "description": "Close button image",
                "id": "6bcc325b-923a-405f-9ff4-4e6f8c496744"
        "gist": {
          "showSettings": false,
          "designer": true,
          "description": "Close button row",
          "id": "cca960ed-f850-462c-8af6-83b3044a1c66"
        "type": "fixedHorizontalListScrollWidget",
        "gist": {
          "id": "c5ead632-6843-447c-af6e-39f55ff80598",
          "designer": true
        "components": [
            "type": "imageWidget",
            "gist": {
              "id": "4c7d3fbe-9669-487d-9403-7cd68838235c",
              "designer": true
            "image": "",
            "fit": "scaleDown"
            "type": "imageWidget",
            "gist": {
              "id": "50e6985c-388d-4f83-93a9-3bfbac83fc94",
              "designer": true
            "image": "",
            "fit": "scaleDown"
        "height": 300
    "padding": [
    "backgroundColor": "Borders"
    "type": "blockWidget",
    "padding": [
    "components": [],
    "gist": {
      "designer": true,
      "description": "Message padding",
      "id": "5bff03ee-681d-470c-b59d-fbea1672f375"


This would create a carousel in-app message with 2 images:


I hope this helps! 

Hi, unfortunatley it didn’t help and not the article either because I’m not a coder and can’t see any changes when I used that code. Why haven’t you a template for carousel posts in Will it come back? 

Hi, I got the code in now and can see the design, but not changing it. Do I need to code to get this to work and to change the text and design? 

Userlevel 4

Hi @Stina, if you navigate using the top menu bar back to Design instead of code, you should be able to edit this accordingly using the UI interface instead of code! 
