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Building relationship integrations using email instead of ID as the identifier

  • 13 February 2024
  • 2 replies

I’m working with integrating a relationship between my people and one of my objects but I identify people by email instead of id and the relationship query always saves as identifying people by id. I’m able to switch the form to identify by email but as soon as I click save changes, it switches back to identify by id.

2 replies

Userlevel 2

Hi there,

This is Byron from the technical support team. It looks like we’ll need some additional information about your integration and the form you’re trying to save. Could you please contact the support team by email us at, enable support access for us, and share links to where you’re building the query in your workspace so that we can take a closer look at the issue? If there is any additional information to share, please include that in the email. 

Thank you!

Thanks for replying Byron! I worked with technical support and got the issue sorted via email!
