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Is there a way to create a segment based on a random cohort of x% of customers? We are looking to implement holdout groups per month (Eg February control group) to see the uplift of our comms. This means we would need a random static group of customers to be added to the segment each month. We would then manually exclude that segment from all comms for the month to see the difference in their behaviour. 

Any suggestions? All the articles I have found online only mention holdout groups for campaigns but I need it at a segment level so I can apply it to campaigns and broadcasts.



Hi Bianca,

Thanks for reaching out!

We don’t have a way to natively build a random cohort, but you can create the list of ids on your side and then manually import them as a segment:

Could this be an option for you? I’ll also note down your use case for our product team to review!



Hi Ryan,

Thanks for your reply! 

I was hoping to find a way to randomly assign customers to a segment, rather than upload my own. This would allow us to build a true control group for our comms.

Do you have any other suggestions or advice on how other brands prove incrementality in their comms? I know you can do this for individual Campaigns in customerio but we mostly send Broadcasts so would need to be looked at for everything we send in one month.

