
Unsubscribe link leads to error message

  • 11 January 2024
  • 1 reply

Though the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our emails does sometimes work (some users are able to unsubscribe, using web browsers such as chrome, and unsubscribes come in regularly), many of our users have an issue where the link does not work and it leads them to an error message that they do not have a secure connection. They therefore are unable to unsubscribe and become very frustrated. Has anyone run into this? Is there any setting we can switch on to fix this problem?


Below are examples of the error message, on chrome and safari. They occur on both desktop and mobile.


1 reply

Userlevel 2

Hi @mganley 👋

Aaron here from the support team. I’d be happy to assist you on this issue!


Taking a look at the screenshot you provided, we can see that your domain is “”. What’s important to note here is that all domains that use the “.app” TLD have what’s known as a HSTS policy that forces all browsers to try and establish a HTTPS connection to the domain and its subdomains. You can see this documented in the marketing materials from Google for .app domains:


With that being the case, you must set up HTTPS link tracking for your “” tracking subdomain that you’re looking to use in We provide a guide on 3 of the common ways to achieve this in our documentation, but using AWS Cloudflare will likely make the most sense for your engineering teams since your website is already hosted there:


So, to provide clarity in closing, you’re seeing the “common name invalid” error when clicking your tracked links because your browser is trying to access our SSL certificate, which only covers “” and not your domain. Using one of the methods shown in the link above (such as AWS Cloudfront), you’ll be able to host your own certificate and then “proxy” traffic to for tracking. 


I hope that this helps to give clarity to the issue and the next steps to look into going forward. If you’d like to reach out to our support team directly with any further questions, you can do so by clicking the Need Help? link in the top-right corner of your workspace and we’d be happy to hear from you.



