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Hi team,

When testing Customer IO webhooks which are added to a Journey, I can see that there are two headers which are sent along with the payload:

  • x-cio-idempotency-key
  • x-cio-delivery-id

Unfortunately I can’t find any documentation on these. Can anyone enlighten me if these are stable, and how to use them?

The use case is that I am experiencing a race condition where my webhook response may take longer than the 4 second CIO timeout. This causes CIO to retry, and I need a stable way to determine if my service has already handled the request.


Hi there,


The x-cio-idempotency-key header contains a unique hash, similar to the delivery_id, that is unique to each delivery. With this header, you can record the value of the header and then use it to de-duplicate/discard any additional sends that arrive with that same value.


I hope this clarifies!


Thanks @mau. How and when should x-cio-delivery-id be used, and what are the differences? In my testing, both remain unchanged when CustomerIO retries webhooks which have timed out

Hi @sebr


Since Delivery IDs are unique to each delivery, some people use the x-cio-delivery-id header to filter out duplicate webhooks that have the same Delivery ID. These duplicates can occur when a webhook is retried by our system when we don't get a timely response from their server.

Hi @Mau  , is it possible to send the x-cio-idempotency-key in the body of the message?

I’m writing an integration on google Apps Script for now and they block the access to the headers for security reasons.

If not, is there any other alternative? (i’m thinking I could generate an UUID with liquid but I wonder if there is a cleaner option)

Hi @Tomas I’m afraid, it's not possible at the moment, and there are no alternative solutions available right now.
