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We are exploring ways to optimize our integration between AGNT, our event-talent connecting platform, and, utilizing Segment data. In AGNT, users create ‘Talent Profiles’ (with the possibility of having multiple profiles), and organizers set up events.

To facilitate this in, we’ve introduced two custom objects: ‘Opportunities’ (to represent events) and ‘Talent Profiles.’ For instance, when an event is created on AGNT, it spawns a new ‘Opportunity’ in, endowed with attributes like desired artist types, budget, etc.

Our goal is to initiate automated, relevant campaigns in when a new Opportunity matches the specifications of a Talent Profile. For example, if an organizer creates an Opportunity seeking a jazz musician with a budget of $500, we want to trigger a campaign targeting Talent Profiles that fit this specific criteria.

Given the limitations of object-to-object relationships in, what would be your recommended approach to achieve this level of targeted automation? Are there alternative methods or best practices within that could help us realize this dynamic matching process?

Appreciate your insights and suggestions.

Hey there,

Thanks for sharing your use case here! Based on what we can currently support for Objects, at the moment, I don’t think this is possible. 

The tricky thing is that currently, campaigns in is always related and triggered by an action or something related to a profile person and at the moment, it isn’t possible to trigger a campaign with an object. 

Currently the best way forward would be to create the talents as profile people in your workspace and to create data-driven segments for each opportunity so that talents matching the criteria enter the campaign. I do realise that this is not the automated solution that you’re looking for and I’m sorry I don’t have better news for you today!

@AGNT you might also want to look at using an external workflow automation system (such as Make) to build this logic.

Make is a visual, no-code workflow automation system with pre-built connectors for over 1,600 SaaS solutions, including

You can trigger workflows in Make via an HTTP call from AGNT to a Custom Webhook object in Make. Your workflows can use complex logic and local data stores - pretty much everything you’d do in code.

Feel free to drop me a DM if you’d like to know more.

