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Connecting Hidden Typeform Fields to

  • 16 August 2022
  • 3 replies

Want to use a hidden field to send an ID through Typeform to Check out this video from our CSM team. 



Hi, thank you for this video. Is this possible to do with a message in app?

Hey Stina, 

Thanks for your question. Using a Typeform hidden field should also be possible with in-app and would follow the same setup process. Note that this will only work if you can identify the user, anonymous surveys wouldn’t be supported. 

I also recommend you check out our in-app micro surveys, as they do not require a redirect or new page like Jotform or Typeform. 

  1. This would not work for anonymous surveys, you must be able to identify the person. 
  2. I would recommend you check 

Hi, do the answers in an in-app micro surveys turn our to attributes or how can I target them pending on their answers? If I would like to send out push notfications based on what they vote for.
