Resending Unopened Broadcast with a Different Subject Line

  • 11 October 2023
  • 0 replies




In an efficient marketing automation scheme, sometimes it's important to resend an unopened broadcast to a target audience within the platform, potentially with a different subject line. However, certain processes including this aren't apparent at first glance.



One roadblock that might be encountered is the inability to resend the same broadcast to people who did not open the original. Potentially, with a different subject line than the original to try and generate more engagement than your first attempt.



While the option to simply edit and resend a previously-sent broadcast isn't directly available within, a workaround to this is as follows:

  • Create a segment of people who have received the original broadcast but have not opened it
  • Duplicate the original broadcast
  • In Recipients, add the above segment of people who have received it but not opened it
  • Within the email itself, make any changes or updates (such as to the subject line)

Then you can fire off this broadcast to target this group of people and hopefully gain some more engagement.

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