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When I enter the url address, CU can find the form, but no data is transferred from the form when it is used.

Maybe it's just me who hasn't quite understood the full setup with data from a form into CU.

Thanks :)

Kim Liljehult - Denmark

Hi Kim!


Thank you for posting to our Community! Sure happy to help you here!


It sounds like you’re trying to connect your form by scanning it, for that setup to complete, you also want to make sure you have added the custom forms JavaScript snippet to your site. It is also worth noting that can scan most forms that use the <form> tag, as long as your form is not inside an <iframe> and your form fields have name attributes.


I hope this is helpful, Kim! Please let us know if this resolves your troubles!

Hi Rammy.

Thanks :)

So, it it can scan the FORM and the snippet is added (I have done this and it can scan the FORM), then the connection is available and should work?

Thrive Themes and Thrive Leads don’t use <iframe> og <div>, but custom forms JavaScript snippet still don’t work. It can scan the form, but do not receive any information. Don’t know where the problem are.

Instead I maked this to work:

Submit forms using the action attribute

You can assign a POST method and action to your HTML form tag to submit forms directly to without using our JavaScript snippet. When you set up a form this way, we generate a URL that you’ll copy directly to your form’s action attribute. Your form must have a success page—a page that you redirect people to when they click Submit.


