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How do I guarantee idempotency when triggering an API broadcast? 

Hi Rushil, 

It looks like you may have accidentally created two posts. I responded to the other one here but wanted to share the answer here as well.

Jumping right in, I believe you are referring to our API trigger broadcast. Is that correct? It sounds like you may want to include an idempotency parameter to your request so you can pass a ULID to deduplicate your requests, similar to what we have for our events here
I’ve checked with the team, and unfortunately, this feature isn’t available at the moment. However, I’d be happy to submit a feature request on your behalf. I’d love to learn a little more about how you’d use this functionality and why it's important to you so I can pass it along to our product team for consideration as we explore new features to implement in the future. 
To help us better understand, would you please share some additional details on how this is helpful for your business? 
We look forward to hearing your additional feedback!

All the best,

We have backend system triggers that trigger a broadcast. We had an incident last week in production where the same event was triggered twice, but since there was no idempotency logic associated with broadcasts, we sent a broadcast email out twice to all our clients! 


